Premium Infant Nutrition
Pharmalys products made from premium raw materials with Swiss quality standards contribute to making early life nutrition healthier in more than 50 countries
We assure that infants are given the best possible start in life. Based on the latest research data and Swiss quality guidelines, our product range provides a complete balance of essential nutrients
Only Nature is better
Our promises
Countries where we are present
Companies part of Pharmalys Holding
Scientific Regional offices
Manufacturing sites
Our core advantages
Swiss quality
Advanced Technologies
We are proud of the Swiss quality standards of our products
Fresh milk
Our products are made exclusively from fresh Swiss and Dutch milk
Equipped with world-class food processing Technologies
Full cycle production:
starting from fresh milk
From healthy cows feeding juicy grass in alpine meadows to final product: We control the full cycle of production to ensure that our children are given the nutrition quality they deserve
Combining nature
and technologies
Innovation & R&D are at the heart of Pharmalys. Our products are the result of a combination of natural raw materials and advanced technologies
Our approach
Our process
Our packaging
All packaging materials meet organic standards
Healthy cow = healthy milk
100% Grass Fed cows produce better quality milk
Natural ingredients
We developed a baby formula making it better to babies and the environment
Modern production technology
Dairy cows are raised organically and allowed to graze freely for better tasting and nutritious milk
Inspired by science
All manufacturing sites are certified
Pharmalys food categories
Our infant formula product range includes standard and speciality formulas offering a healthy start in life
What are we doing
Infant formulas
Our weaning food range is perfectly adapted to the nutrition needs of babies
Weaning food
Our Brands
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Last news
Developing infant formula
Presentation in Dubai
Our Baby Care development team develops, optimises and continually...
Science based medical detailing as a basis to build close relationships...
New laboratory studies
The need to develop preventive nutrition is dictated by the increase...
Pharmalys Laboratory
Breast milk is the best nutrition for a baby
The World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding for children up to 6 months. Pharmalys supports WHO and suggests continuing breastfeeding for as long as possible. Before using the product, consult a specialist
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+41 (0)41 557 22 22
Schochenmühlestrasse 2, 6340 Baar